Are You Crazy?

1 year ago

In this video I share a share pass along my way. Chicago black female speaks on behalf of black community. A list of grievances concerning the illegal immigrant crisis affecting the local black populace.

Sad to say but must be said, "Voting has consequences". Black Americans voting democrat/Crimnocrat deserve everything they get. Enough of the feel sorry for them nonsense. Hey, if it were a few years that is one thing but to do it consistently decade after decade leaves no excuse or simpathy.

Also, miss me with the white supremacy rhetoric and you still vote Crimnocrat.

Maybe finally black folk will stop being captured by the promises of the manifest destiny party and cut the cord.

Why would Black Americans want to uphold the legacy of slavery voting Crimnocrat just blows my mind. But you can't tell many of them nothing. So instead of listening to reason life itself will get their hard heads straight. At least for some anyway.

Chicago migrants- Lawsuit filed against Chicago over city housing migrants in public buildings:

In short the Democrats up in Washington D.C. along with the White House with Biden to raise the deficit trillions to have an excuse to not pay reparations. Everybody else matters more according to the deeds of the Crimnocrat party.


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