Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse Oct 14 ’23 #highvibe #astrology #libra #newmoon #eclipse

6 months ago
20 This October 14 Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse holds intense energies that evoke within us the desire to deeply transform our current perception, identity, relationships, and destiny. We are mining the depths of the shadow to uncover greater authenticity and hidden gifts for the purpose of serving the greater good.

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Affirmations and Harmonies: 30:30

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Sun/New Moon/Venus for Libra NM SE:
As I let go of unhealthy patterns in relationships I immediately feel relief, peace, and harmony in all of my relationships, especially the one I have with myself

Sun/New Moon/Mars for opposition to NN:
Endings are merely transitions that immediately foster new and exciting opportunities, instilling greater confidence and bringing blessings in every area of my life.

Chiron/Mars/Venus for the conj. to SN/opp NN:
Healing from previous trauma can happen as soon as I decide I no longer wish to suffer, and allow a new identity to emerge. Once I take the first step, the universe guides my path, and I feel myself transforming from worrier to warrior.

Mars/Venus for the sextile:
Opposites of all types - past and future, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, light and shadow, even rich and poor, are easily harmonized when I decide to make conscious the hidden gifts within my own shadow.

Mars/Pluto/Venus Pluto’s square to Mars and the Libra SN:
Embracing change and transformation is the accelerated path to mastering my destiny and purpose, and the universal wisdom that blesses all life, including my own.

Mars/Sedna quincunx:
When I investigate my own shadow tendencies without heaping shame and blame on myself, I become a vessel for unconditional love & acceptance toward others who struggle with their own shadow.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
Our collective shadow as citizens of Earth is undergoing monumental transformation while all that has been concealed for centuries must now be brought to light and purified.

Saturn/Venus/Sedna for the t-square:
Our perception of time and space is quickly up-leveling as the Earth’s frequency shifts from dense and slow to buoyant and simultaneous.

Venus/Neptune/Uranus for the YOD to Libra SN:
By relaxing and being present in each moment as it comes, we are actually accelerating our own evolution, and facilitating space for miraculous solutions to unfold.

Jupiter/Saturn for the trine to Capricorn ASC:
The universe now provides abundant support for our collective identity shift, showing us how to become the author of Earth’s unfolding story.

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