GRS27 -Blue Sun Solstice

1 year ago

In the illusion of time In the creative contrast of All That is there is a harmonization of polarities of realities and textures of realities that creates the densities of experience. In these densities of experiences are the lives and through the lives there are the time lnes and they are layered upon by dimension.
Where the physical body exists it is now predominated over by the spiritual and psychic natures that follow a path that is brought to you by choice. And your choice is for the Ascension on the precipice of extinction.
Accepting alignment with ascended intelligences given through beings of higher dimensions allows you to reach elevated levels of attaining energetic essence. As the Golden Light grows stronger your level of attainment becomes attuned to the resonating vibrations of spiritual beings with gifts and guidance to be shared.
The angels are the higher intelligences who breathe in light and love and express universal Oneness and bliss. The light of the Teachers of Light is connected to theirs and we are fulfilled in happiness and unity. There is a great deliverance for the body of humanity to grow into a new evolutionary paradigm and grow with the coming stronger light. It has come to you now to know that you are in this Light and now you know that the world is being brought into alignment for further evolution of your conscious awareness and your Divine heart and your Infinite mind will flower.
Imagine for a moment that there is a Blue Sun that orbits a Golden Sun. The Blue Sun shines over your home world, your Golden Sun gives you power and enlightenment and so you seek to journey to this new awakening. The Blue Sun gives the angels the love in service and purity, and in their being they provide all with essence and they heal vision and inspire peace and harmony. Imagine again the Blue and the Golden Sun and know that they are together and they are one. And now, in your time witness the power and knowledge come back from the ancient times. The convergence of the timelines has allowed this and there are many corelations and corrections and the total ascension and evolution can be accomplished.
You are in the last moments of time where all that have believed one thing will be borne to believe another where they will now see that yes, there is a change, that yes, things will become different. That yes, the confidence, the belief and the faith of all who have ever walked the planet are now here to speak truth. And in truth there will be a significant, powerful realization, That all is changed. And so be it.

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