Are You a Christo-Supremist?

1 year ago

What IS a Christo-supremist? Are you one?

For more on this topic, see Dr. Christian Overman's book, "Assumptions That Affect Our Lives," here:

See also the FREE course: "Eliminating the Sacred/Secular Divide: Pedagogy of the Unoppressed" at

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) The universe is no accident. The earth and all it contains did not come into being through a series of random, unplanned “happenings.” It came into being by God’s design and choice.

Yet one thing that is not often discussed, is God’s on-going ownership of all things, even after the entrance of sin into the world.

The world and all it contains is as much God’s "stuff" after the Fall as it was before the Fall. The Fall did not change God’s ownership status. He not only made it all in the beginning and continues to hold it all together, He owns it all, and this has enormous ramifications for human beings.

Planet Earth, and all it contains, does not belong to Satan. The Scriptures plainly tell us: “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1)

Although the devil may act like he owns the place, he does not. He never created anything in his life. He only distorts and destroys what God has made. In Luke 4:5-6, when Satan offered Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world” in exchange for worshipping him, was this a legitimate offer? Consider the source.

In Genesis 9:1-3, where, after the flood, God tells Noah and his sons that every beast, fowl and fish will fear them. “Into your hand they are given,” God says. He didn’t give them Satan’s stuff. While the Devil exerts temporary power in the earth, he does not own it. God made it clear to Job, “…whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.” (Job 41:11) Let that sink in deeply.

Hebrews 1:3 tells us Christ is “...upholding all things by the word of His power.” All things! Both the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal, the material as well as the spiritual are continually UPHELD by Him.

Colossians 1:16-17 tells us: “For by Him [Christ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things CONSIST [or, ‘hold together’].”

When I say Satan doesn’t own Planet Earth or anything in it, some might be thinking, “Satan may not own it, but he sure does run it!”

But what does Satan “run?”

Satan is not the King of Planet Earth. Yes, he is the ruler of this world-system that runs contrary to the will and ways of God. But there is only one Owner of Planet Earth, and only one King. His name is Jesus. There is no room on the throne for two. Christ’s authority and supremacy rests over the whole of heaven and earth, right now. Including supremacy over Lucifer.

Christ's rule is over all. The King’s Domain [that is, His King-dom] knows no boundaries. Christ is Lord of all, all the time, everywhere, both in heaven and earth concurrently, right now (see Acts 10:36). But does this mean everything happening on Planet Earth is His will? Actually, no it doesn’t.

Yet while we have the ABILITY to violate God’s authority, we were never given the RIGHT to do so. And when humans disregard God and act contrary to His will we dare not say, “God is in control.” Yet when humans act contrary to God’s will, this does not negate the fact that Christ is still Lord of all, all the time, everywhere. In this sense, He is “in total control.” We don’t make Christ Lord, He is Lord! It’s our place to recognize His authority, accept and embrace it. If we don’t, He is Lord regardless.

If people don’t embrace Christ’s lordship, His authority and supremacy still applies to everyone, all the time, everywhere. His supremacy is all-inclusive and non-selective. It applies as much to our personal life as our public life. It applies as much to what goes on in church as it does to what goes on in civil realms. It applies as much to what goes on in our families as it does to what goes on in our workplaces. It applies as much to non-Christians as to Christians. The biblical injunctions against theft, murder and adultery (Matt. 19:16-19) are not for believers only.

Jesus is Lord of ALL, whether people submit to Him as such or not. Even the demons know there is only one God, and they tremble (James 2:19)! And if they know this, we can be sure their boss knows this, too.

Yes, the supremacy of Christ is over the whole of humanity. There is no public/private split, no Christian/non-Christian distinction when it comes to the jurisdiction of Christ's supremacy. No human can “impose” it on anybody. It simply is. Like gravity.

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