7 years ago

Bug Pizza. The pizza topped with bugs and hot peppers.
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DOWNLOAD THIS SONG â–º http://bit.ly/2syWaC2
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Bug Pizza. Where we got wasted on rum and ate a pizza topped with meal worms, crickets, grasshoppers, emperor scorpions, ghost peppers and chili peppers.

Josh Ditto
Cody Fahm
Karl Auffenberg
Brittany Chenteale
Da SaybuhTooFF
and myself, Rusty Cage

T-SHIRTS! STICKERS! MERCH! â–º http://www.rustycagemusic.com/merch/
BANDCAMP â–º https://rustycage.bandcamp.com/
FACEBOOK â–º http://www.facebook.com/RustyCageMusic
INSTAGRAM â–º https://instagram.com/rustycage666
SOUNDCLOUD â–º https://soundcloud.com/rustycagemusic


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