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1 year ago

An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind

Hypocrisy cannot stand or civilization will fall.

There must be courts trial and fair uncorrupted justice.

The NWO WEF Globalists and the elitists the bankers start all wars divide and cause murder and deaths they use ppl emotions and fuel the fire of violence and hatred.

If i was to envoke Israel justice half the parliament would be dead. The regulators and the media

All those who took during covid bankrupted everyone killed millions made ppl lose homes and their jobs.

If this injustice or vengeful actions are allowed then case president had been set.

If ppl endanger your lives kill and destroy you have the right to return full retaliation and full vengeance

BlackRock Vangaurd NWO WEF and the ppl in power must fall . As they killed thousands of babies with no remorse no care and no accountability no responsibility with the covid bioweapons

The set up J6 illegal imprisonment was criminal

The FDA CDC is a party to mass murder along with most politicians

The subsequent wars staged and conducted with the full knowledge of the outcome to lauder money and to continue the biggest wealth transfer in history to cause a great depression is criminal and should be punished outright

Ppl cannot call for revenge in one matter and not another. Justice doesn't pick sides and it isnt a hypocrite.

To every action comes a equal and opposite reaction

The international criminal court is guilty for allowing war crimes and crimes against humanity globally. Picking sides who bribes the most money.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • If we allow vengeful actions and eye for a eye retaliation then so it shall be globally. Any wealthy individuals should be punished just as Isreal punished the ppl of palestine