Exposing Lady Gaga, Katy perry, Lil Wayne, Selena Gomez, Kid Rock by Danny Castle.

1 year ago

Exposing Lady Gaga, Katy perry, Lil Wayne, Selena Gomez, Kid Rock, Pearl Jam, Eminem, Christina Aguliera, Marylin Manson, Black sabbath, ozzy osbourne, metallica, Cream, Eric Clapton, Nirvana, fallen in reverse, Madonna

Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

America has gone to Hell. Hollywood homos are only famous because the wicked world worships them. Celebrity Worship Syndrome (idolatry) has corrupted our nation. Hollywood's wickedness DESENSITIZES people to the awfulness of sin. The average person is oblivious to the evils of abortion, homosexuality and pornography. We have tolerated wickedness for so long in America that it has become our way of life. Abortion has become the silent holocaust!

Katy Perry (Hudson) is headed for the Lake of Fire. The average person has become complacent and warped in their thinking, redefining God to fit their own humanistic views. Instead of glorifying the God of the Bible in truth, they lie about Him. People today have fabricated their own New Age god who compromises, never sends anyone to burn in Hell, has no problem with abortion or homosexuality, and allows everyone into Heaven. It's all a bunch of lies! If you don't go through the straight gate, you won't be allowed into Heaven. You can't just make up your own rules. The Word of God cannot be broken. John 10:35, “...the Scripture cannot be broken.” All Christ-rejecters will be cast into the depths of hellfire (Psalm 9:17; 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15).

“Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” —Ephesians 4:19

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