PsyOp of insanity

8 months ago

Songs are
The right to go insane
By, Megadeth Dave Mustaine
In the air tonight
By, Phil Collins
There has been truths of everything is made to kill you. But to live in fear. Is to not live.
We are all trying to survive. And many of us fight this war. While for many years we have found horrific truths. As we find these truths. The ass hats amp it up to make us more afraid. To drive us mad. Now and then it may work for a while. At least on some people.
But we are strong. We keep fighting.
This conglomeration of clips. Is a reflection. Into a piece of this journey. We have been called crazy. Crazy we are not. We have been called Racist. While we fight for everyone. They think we are weak. Because we refuse to riot and cause chaos. But we are strong. Because we hold back our rage. (So far)
We respect law and order.
We know God. The one and only real God of Heaven.
We don’t loose.
Because God wins.
You may not like heavy metal. But as you see. There are good and bad people in all corners of life. And Dave Mustaine took action during his show. His lyrics have told us truths for many many years.
Comprehend the actions of people.
As they walk there own journey in life. For its not up to us to judge them. (Let he without sin, cast the first stone.)
We are there people. The world may be on fire. But we are walking through the ashes. Stronger.

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