Gaming Blitz - Episode 6: Silent Hill: Downpour Finale [5/33] | Rumble Gaming

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Welcome to the channel! We are going to be finishing up Downpour and seeing what is ahead for Murphy Pendleton!

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Silent Hill: Downpour
Experience the spine-tingling chills and psychological terror while exploring the sleepy town of Silent Hill as Murphy Pendleton. Uncover the deep and dark storyline of the latest Silent Hill thriller. Immerse yourself in the desolate town of Silent Hill with intense visuals powered by Unreal 3 technology that bring the town, characters, creatures and alternate hell to life. Unlock new game areas, special items and bonus content by venturing into all-new side quests. Explore the ever-changing game world that features day and night Normal world and Otherworld world that are manifested and sourced from character actions throughout the game. Get closer to the action with 3D technology for the first time ever. Lose yourself in the desolate and terrifying town with renowned story and music talent, including Silent Hill comic writer, Tom Waltz, original music directed and composed by Dan Licht and the theme song performed by hard-rock group, Korn.

End of Year Blitz
This is a new marathon but with a different twist, there are a selection of longer games and to start things off are having a focus in horror for October. This marathon will run from the start of October through December 31st! We are going to begin with 30 games but will add more should we progress faster. This will also contain little to no repeats of the summer of games so stay tuned for each entry reveal!


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