EYEWITNESS VIDEO: THERE IS NO PLANE Tuesday, September 11, 2001

1 year ago

Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT80C it is a zero
9-11 truth has Stephen Jones who is a developer of the direct energy weapons we are using now. No plane can penetrate through the structure without damage as the wings would fly off and the fusalage cannot go though the building. FBI has the pictures of the Mossad (ISIS) using US technology

This is really gut-wrenching to see and equally historic. The 2nd building blew out on all 3 sides possibly 4. There was no sound of airplane engines at all. The fact that hundreds of people did not mention a plane even once is convincing that it was not a plane that hit that tower.

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