MR. NON-PC - Office Jobs = Lifelong Health Problems

9 months ago

Maybe I'm just biased because I'm not the "office type" and just have never worked years and years with an office job, but I've noticed that the people who do usually end up with lifelong health problems.

Sure the tradeoff may be: more money, less physically taxing or whatever else, but in my opinion I don't believe that sacrificing your health to make more money is ever a good idea.

I have family and friends that have worked office jobs for years, and I can tell you with certainty that their energy levels are much lower, they seem to get sick more frequently and also seem a lot more stressed out rather than those who work a job that is physical.

Let me just state that I don't have a problem with people working these kinds of jobs, but there must be a balance. If you're sedentary most of the day, then you have to find a way to be active and at least try somewhat to be health minded.

If ya don't, well then all that extra money you made working that office job will be spent on repairing your poor health at the end of your life.

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