8 months ago

The Israel Defense Forces have demonstrated remarkable velour and precision, showcasing a harrowing rescue mission undertaken on October 7th during a Hamas terror assault near the Gaza border. The elite Shayetet (Flotilla) 13 unit of the IDF was deployed to regain control of the Sufa military post, located near the Gaza security fence, in a joint operation on October 7th. The soldiers, displaying exceptional bravery, rescued approximately 250 hostages while neutralizing 60+ Hamas terrorists and apprehending 26, including Muhammad Abu A'ali, the Deputy Commander of the Hamas Southern Naval Division.

The IDF shared the live video of the operation on X and informed that its Flotilla 13 elite unit was deployed to the area surrounding the Gaza security fence in a joint effort to regain control of the Sufa military post on October 7th.

The soldiers rescued around 250 hostages alive. In the operation, 60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended - including Muhammad Abu A'ali, the Deputy Commander of the Hamas Southern Naval Division, the IDF said.

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