8 months ago

Welcome to our Basic Legs Workout Video! Start by warming up to get your muscles ready for action. Once warmed up, we'll dive into the main routine. In the first segment, we have 3 sets of squats to target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Focus on maintaining proper form and keep your core engaged.

Next up, we'll move on to walking lunges. This exercise helps improve your balance and works your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Remember to take controlled steps and keep your chest up throughout the movement.

Following the lunges, it's time for leg extensions. This exercise isolates the quadriceps. Adjust the weight accordingly and perform the extensions with a slow and controlled motion. Feel the burn as you work those front thigh muscles.

As you progress through the routine, you'll transition to seated calf raises. This exercise targets your calf muscles, helping to build strength and definition. Maintain a good posture while performing calf raises and avoid using momentum.

Remember, each exercise consists of 3 sets. Between each set, take a 1 to 2-minute break to allow your muscles to recover and prepare for the next round. Stay hydrated throughout the workout and listen to your body. Let's get those legs strong and toned together!"

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