Beyond Obvious Yes 224, But Doesn't Really Matter Anymore!

8 months ago

With or without me Ms. M like i said before to Ari & all your crew may infinite never forget what the federation and their "earthly" minion puppets have done here in the name of "god"! PROMISE ME THAT PLEASE! For Annette Marie, the other mother, Brian and millions of others like us, Aneeka & all the lost in this battle, MAY IT NEVER BE FORGOTTEN US LOST AND FORSAKEN AYE!
Alberts60star @alberts60star ·
May infinite never forget that of witch you have done orange puppet in the name of "god" aye!

Cryptic Ms. M - Aneeka Tribute!
so many things sure could be asked but why bother as i said just not long passed! Like the orange puppet and his federation masters would even let them see anything i said anyways aside & even if they did would it matter, likely not at this point!

as for all you other creatures that just sit there and watch me be finished off with no help thanx for coming out now ya hear and be sure to do you so good that it bloody hurts yup!

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