A week in the life of a mech pilot waifu | Week 4 | Cavalry Girls DEMO

8 months ago


Cavalry Girls is a Rogue-lite, top down shooter with mech building, Waifu pilots and guns. Lots of guns. What is not to love?
Starting off strong, we are authorized the use of strategic weapons. Essentially airstrikes and targeted bombardments that you can call in at specified locations using your tactical menu, by pressing the TAB key. We are given the most basic of a missile strike, but if you continue to treat the girls nicely, they might start like you enough to give some of their own devices for use.

This week finally opens up the parts factory inside the Infrastructure Dept., allowing us to commit manpower to crafting random gear for out mechs. Upgrades will increase the variety and tier of gear crafted.

After we get our factory, we are also introduced to the Synthesis Workshop. The Craft menu is now available, but honestly, you probably will not get much use out of it for now. You are given a plethora of parts, but not enough for anything meaningful. Best to hold on to it for later. The good thing is, everything can be crafted, so if it does not show up in the shop, this will be a guaranteed way to get what you are looking for.

The next big thing to deal with are Perimeter Missions. These are the away missions I had mentioned in a previous video description. These make one of your girls unavailable for the main story to go off and attack an enemy position. These range from bunker busting to supply line destruction. You must destroy the objective and return to the start for evac. The convenient thing is that you can use the TAB menu and call in strikes. Do not argue and take what help you can, as these missions can overwhelm you if you are ill-prepared.

Have you wondered why it is always telling you things are wet? Not the girls, you gutter mind. The weather is everchanging and some days are heavy downpours. Some are sweltering high heat and some are just meh. Why am I explaining the obvious? Because the Intelligence division finally let us check the forecast. Why is this important? Because the weather affects cooldown times of Strategic weapons and the effectiveness of certain weapons. Keep that in mind as such things can mean the difference between defeat and victory in a clutch fight.

As we near the end of the week, we finally get access to the Dismantling Facility. At last, we can start putting that crafting system to use. From now on, every enemy you destroy can be scrapped for materials. Be careful though, as this requires another slowly growing resource and each enemy scrapped has a different cost associated with it. Additionally, the enemies are discarded each day, so it is a one time deal. Luckily, as long as you know what you need, you can remove unneeded materials from the process, increasing the amount and likelihood of getting your preferred items.

This little series is my first run through the demo, roughly based on one week of in-game days per video. These get progressively longer as more features are unlocked each day.

I also spend probably far too much time in the hangar and barracks, developing my loadouts and team, respectively.

I will eventually get around to giving an actual demo review, hopefully before the full release on Oct. 20th, 2023.

If you like what you see, why not try it out yourself. Personally, I am a min-max loony when it comes to mechs.

Yes, I just copy/pasted this from the previous episode.

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