Vivek Ramaswamy addressed the "real" dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI) during a

8 months ago

#Republican presidential candidate @VivekGRamaswamy addressed the "#real" #dangers posed by #artificialintelligence (#AI) during a recent conversation with Iowa voters. #Ramaswamy, the youngest @GOP #candidate, believes AI is a topic for which he believes "a leader from the next generation" will be necessary in the next president. He used an example of #ChatGPT, the chatbot designed by @OpenAI, to illustrate what he identified as the "real danger" of AI.

Despite the potential benefits of AI tools like ChatGPT, many tech leaders are warning about the risks AI poses if its development gets out of hand. In the U.S., a majority of Americans have said they are more concerned than excited about the uptick in #AI use, according to @pewresearch survey results released in August. Ramaswamy has prior experience with AI and said he used AI while working at a drug development company he founded.

Ramaswamy believes #AI can have many good uses in the country but also has real risks when it comes to interfacing with people. He joined the #GOP #presidential field earlier this year by embracing his role as a self-described "#political #outsider." He received a boost in the polls after participating in the first GOP #presidentialdebate in August, during which he engaged in several verbal battles with the other candidates. |

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