9 months ago


These are watershed and benchmark moments in both the Ekklesia and Kingdom. The question is, will we continue to foster and support what we know is not working that well, or will we leave the security of safe harbors in order to navigate uncharted waters?

Watershed - An event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.

Benchmark - Something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured or judged.

I am reminded of a stanza in an old song. "Tho none go with me; I still will follow." (I Have Decided)

The following questions and subsequent answers are based on my present understanding of some of the things that continue to hinder and thwart our forward process in coming together for His greater Kingdom purpose.

Question: What is it going to take for us to move from a doing church as usual mentality to a Kingdom understanding of true Ekklesia?

A: It is going to take a serious paradigm shift and it will start with changing the way we think and view things concerning the house that Yahshua is building.

Doing Church Mentality is more about gathering together at an appointed time and place in order to engage in the semblance of corporate worship.

(Worship Team, Prepared Sermon and Theatrics provided)

In other words, come as you are and enjoy the show.

For many, doing or having Church is like going out to your favorite restaurant with friends or being rushed to the hospital where emergency care can be administered.

The emphasis is on a place to go, have, and do, rather than a people to BE at all times.

Things to Consider:

Being a 'pastor' at the local level is not a job for ambitious novices. It is only for those who are especially gifted and graced to provide long-term care, along with the support of a plurality of servant-leaders who are properly related to true apostles and prophets.

A true plurality of servant-leaders in every locale and region around the world will look very different than the top-down, senior, set-minister/pastor setup that we presently see established in most church ministries, and it will not just be another variation of an Ecclesiastical Hierarchy.

A true plurality of servant-leaders involves both shared responsibility and authority. I am NOT implying co-equality in all things that pertain to the ongoing work; but I am suggesting that if we are to serve His people together, we must be more than a team of YES men and women. I am NOT talking about paid or unpaid staff members who make up the administrative/management team of the organization.
I am talking about sons, brothers and friends who are joined at the heart by Holy Spirit in the ongoing work of the ministry.

Pastors (Shepherds) are only one-fifth of those who have been sent to train and equip His people. There is a way to rectify this problem and make up for that which is lacking, wanting, and coming behind, but it is going to involve true repentance and a heart to do what is necessary to bring about real change.

The primary difference between a 'doing church' mentality and a 'Kingdom understanding of Ekklesia is, one revolves around gathering together at a particular time and place, and the other involves the call to assemble and cooperate with what Holy Spirit is saying and doing today. One is all about meeting my personal needs, and the other is about ruling and reigning in life by Messiah Yahshua. One caters to the needs of an orphaned mentality, and the other represents the heritage of sons.

A Kingdom understanding of Ekklesia is all about ordained, covenantal, relationship, marriage, and family. If our gathering together unto Him was more like a family reunion, then everyone would have a seat at the table in the Father’s house and they would be there to honor the head of the household.

Remember this, what we bring to the table is for someone else. It is not about how it makes us feel to contribute. When we move from being involved as a spectator to being included as a part, we will all begin to experience a deep sense of belonging.

Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers;

(WE are a part of the company of the firstborn, the generation of Messiah, and the last man Adam, who is a life-giving Spirit to those who bear the image of the Heavenly).

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