Ramble Shamble: Season 3 Episode 03: Travel #podcast #Vacation #travel

11 months ago

Welcome! Welcome to our homely little tavern. It is I! The Fabulous and renowned BARD!

I have some grave news, I’m afraid. It is time for me again to go on Vacation! Do not look so glum. It will just be a short trip and it will provide me new and fresh tales that will come your way!

We all deserve a vacation now and then. The only question I have now is where and what to do? Perhaps I go to Atlantis?! No. That would be horrible as all the drinks would be just too salty, not to mention exhaustive from interdimensional travel. Perhaps an island paradise?! No, it would be relaxing but I crave adventure and excitement- not languor and indolence!

WHY MUST THIS BE SO DIFFICULT! I would like to rely on the past, for most interesting activities and locations are dead and gone. But, perhaps there is something that I overlooked??? My fabulous audience, I need your help with this virtuous mission. I shall use the gold piece from my piggy bank to pay the stygian ferryman in allowing us to do our research by again peering into the past of, Ramble Shamble,

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#ireland , #podcast, #travel, #entertainment, #culture , #brazil, #vacation

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