Racist Black American Youth Harass and Assault Hispanic Latino Americans on Elevator

1 year ago

A group of young African American racists physically assault, harass, humiliate and racially insult three Chicano Mexican-American workers in an elevator in California.
#BrownLivesMatter #LatinoLivesMatter #ourpeoples #StopRacism #MexicanLivesMatter We got to get the word out and stop all this racism on our people. We need people to speak out that all these racist actions against our people are not ok

Un grupo de jóvenes racistas afroamericanos agrede físicamente, acosa, humilla e insulta racialmente a tres trabajadores chicanos mexicoamericanos en un ascensor en California.
#BrownLivesMatter #LatinoLivesMatter #ourpeoples #StopRacism #MexicanLivesMatter Tenemos que correr la voz y detener todo este racismo contra nuestro pueblo. Necesitamos que la gente diga que todas estas acciones racistas contra nuestro pueblo no están bien

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