26 GBE12 The Unfolding Agenda Bali's Mosquito Release Project Under Scrutiny

1 year ago

Mosquito Genetic Engineering as a Bioweapon

Frances Micklem - a researcher of the dangers of gene editing and GMO 2.0.

Frances Micklem is a sustainability specialist, author and pioneer, with twenty years experience of consultancy and training. She have been a green transition journalist for several years, with research and interviews on every subject from agriculture to health. She have worked as a ghost-writer for professionals in Education, Law, Food Safety and Business. So, in 2021, She researched, wrote and proof-read White Papers for The Institute For Responsible Technology, to raise awareness of the dangers of gene editing and GMO 2.0. This is technology which is now used widely by laymen, the pharmaceutical industry, the so-called green technologies, pesticide, agriculture and food industries.

She have a 1st Class Honours degree in maths-based Philosophy, and worked as an advocate and social worker for several years. As a registered organic farmer, She also have a background in plant and soil science, and have taught Horticulture and how to conduct Ecology field studies. Her main focus has been to steer society away from objectives to control pests and diseases, manage the use of resources and eradicate invasive species and, instead, explore and research a multitude of original ways to care for and restore habitats, health and food systems.

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