Fairfield County Commissioners | Full Meeting | October 10, 2023

1 year ago

#RogueMediaReports #FairfieldCounty #CommissionersMeeting #PublicComments #VoxPopuli
The full meeting of the Fairfield County Commissioners' weekly meeting for October 10, 2023. This week's meeting began with a Health Benefits Plan Change Overview for county employees by Jeff Porter and Susan Justavick.

Public Comments started at 35:49 and ran through 39:52 with Sherry Pymer sharing an article from retired aerospace engineer, George Franklin titled "Green is not Green" and speaking against industrial solar development in Fairfield County.

The remainder of the meeting consisted mainly of Legal, County Administrative Updates and their "Voting Pattern".

Agenda Links:
This is a recording off a public access Microsoft TEAMS Meeting. This will be an on-going series whenever possible to capture the regular meetings.

More information about the County Commissioners' meetings can be found at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/COMMISH/. We also encourage more online and most importantly, in-person participation. The meetings occur most Tuesday mornings at 9:00a at 210 E. Main Street, Third Floor, Lancaster, OH 43130.

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