The Other Israel (1987) - Ted Pike | The Whole Zionist Conspiracy

1 year ago

"The Other Israel" is a controversial review of how millions of Christians, with the exception of perhaps some Evangelicals, feel about Israel and how it relates to what is occurring in the Mid-East today. Rev. Ted Pike takes a no-holds barred examination of what we see today, and offers his own thoughts on much of what is occurring. This video is not for the weak or timid-hearted, and offers much insight into the events at hand today. If Pike is criticized for his work, keep in mind that he is but one of millions who feel the way he does, even if others don't express such thoughts. His works have gained much acclaim from thousands of Christian preachers across the nation when he has sent out his book of the same name and several packets of information to Churches. The following comes from the back of the video: "The Other Israel" is the television version of Rev. Ted Pike's book, "Israel: Our Duty ... Our Dilemma." Compiled after 15 months' filming and editing, this fast-moving, professional video documentary will give you a unique education on the inner teachings of Judaism - teachings which have made the Jews a race apart - for millenniums. Through the television camera "The Other Israel" takes you where few Christian scholars have gone - to the semi-secret rabbinic sources that blaspheme Christ and vow eventual triumph over the nations. Yet, like Pike's book, this video never forgets that, despite Judaism's present opposition to Christ, God will someday prove that He can make even the unbelieving Jews to praise His Son. Through stirring music, scripture, and scenes from Palestine, "The Other Israel" video dramatizes the eventual restoration of a Remnant at Christ's Second Coming.

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