Tucker Carlson: The World is Realigning

8 months ago

This is a great speech that Tucker Carlson delivered to the beautiful people of Hungary in August of 2023. It contains about 27-minutes of Truth that every one should take time to listen to. In fact, if there was ever a video that you could show to a bunch of Woketard Leftists in order to trigger them, this would be the one.
As inspiring as it was to watch Tuck deliver this speech was Googling the word "Tucker Carlson this speech, reading all of the mainstream propaganda media reports that pretend to cover it was interesting as well. Reading those reports was like reading a Pravda article during the 1950s when the USSR was in charge of controlling the minds of the the Russian people. When almost every legacy media organization likening Tuck's heartfelt expression of traditional, common sense American ideas and values to those of a "racist" just illustrates how thoroughly our country has been conquered by the Thirteen Families who control, not only more than 90% of all mainstream media outlets, 80% of all corporations (via their BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard investment fronts), our governments, our universities, our health care system, and the world's natural resources, but damn near everything else as well.
It is these families who, through a process of dialectical creation and manipulation, created this plantation that we all now live on. It is they who write our nation's history and chart its destiny. After all, when you give a small group of families the power create unlimited amounts of free money out of thin air, of course they will use it to buy up and control the world. And that's exactly what they did over the course of the past 100 years, ever since a handful of traitors in Congress threw our nation's once honest monetary system overboard in 1913 (see Federal Reserve Act). Until we reverse this error and get our country back onto a gold and silver standard with a 100% Reserve requirement for banks, nothing will ever change. Things will only get worse, and we the People will continue to live our live like socially engineered slaves. That is, if we are permitted to live at all.
My exposé on the Thirteen Families:
Freedom Movement Manifesto

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