Were ancient Jews Muslims???

9 months ago

For much of history, where Jews lived in Islamic-controlled lands, the Jews were second-class citizens with limited freedoms and rights. One thing that would mean catastrophe for the Jewish community was to speak out against the Islamic establishment.

Jews had to remain silent despite the fact that Islam holds many anti-Jewish sentiments in the Quran and Hadith. What's more, Jews had to hear over and over again the Islamic claim that ancient Jewish heroes, from King David, all the Hebrew Prophets, and Abraham, were not Jewish but, in fact, Muslim!

The power structure of Islamic governments made the only speech tolerated their own, and any dissenting opinions were quickly silenced. So, Jews lived as second-class citizens, forced to hear their totalitarian governments espouse their opinions that have no base in reality when compared to the Hebrew Bible.

The real truth is not something that can be twisted and turned to fit any agenda. It is explained with honesty, transparency, and simplicity. It is nothing that needs to be fought with complicated polemics; rather, facing reality, honesty will reveal the truth.

Ironically, our ideological enemies are guilty of many of the accusations they cast upon us. Despite the rocky history, our "tents" are open for all people who sincerely desire to learn. Not all will be able to muster the humility to admit they were wrong, but those who come to learn will see the sweet results for themselves.

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