10-22 - Higher Light - Physical Evolution

9 months ago

All is what it should be and every point of Light shines forth from the Central Sun and every stream of energy follows the curve of evolution in the returning resolution. Unitary dimensional consensus creation proceeds blissfully under the guardianship of the Teachers of Light and their vanguard, the Wayshowers.

The physical brain has limits of awareness as the mind’s capacity is layered inthe densities on the Fourth Dimensional matrix. Grounded on the foundational base plane of sub-atomic structure the first level consciousness is founded in connective core centrism. The microcosmic singularity provides the central anchor for the foundation upon which all being is tethered. The primal corner stone and functional negative ground is the gravitational component holding existence and that which establishes condensed mass.

It is essential to understand the major element within humanity and its vehicle for creation that billions of bodies in physical incarnation. Following primal reductionalism the life center of the body is The Human Heart which resonates as the nucleus for the Mind which holds itself as the gravitational center for the spiraling cellular threads of Light streams which create and regenerate the human body. Dwelling within the earth are the collective hearts and emotional field of humanity. The Sun secures the earth into firm dynamic spiritual planetary alignment within the Divine Mind and the Central Sun.

The earth in interstellar context is that component which humanity experiences as collective home. The heart nucleus is empowered with Light and Light from the Sun bringing forth evolutionary energy to humanities’ expanding physical and non-physical being. The earth provides the ground for the reception of fundamental, electro-magnetic, chemical and physical essences. Each entity or body is grounded with omni-centric conscious awareness and cosmic gravitational attunement. Each unitary life reality is pre-existent, non-linear, super sensory, holographic consciousness.

From the preceding passage understand the deepest level of essence is within the center in condensed matter, condensed space, condensed time, concentrated thought, complete knowledge, emotional calm, zero vibration, stasis, silence, home, sleep, no thing ness, rest, peace which is the origination point of the grand expansion, the first seed.

The foundation of matter is primal, pure, singular substance of First Dimensional strata giving birth to all that grows. Planet substance is essence is sustained in eternally given opportunity to expand through the creation brought forth by the Divine intelligence.

Core inner light sacred geometric principles allow all growth and expansion. Inner Light is the synthesis of intelligence, energy and substance. It is the light of life itself operating both as centripetal magnetic force bringing to itself the energy and centrifugal electric source radiating outward from its center.

Through the spinning vortex, the wormhole, the galactic black hole where substance is condensed at the center of centers, light is held and expands within itself. It grounds creation to the inner power of the light within into the emptiness of the attractive Void. It is the other side of the gift of being; the essence of the internal desire, the point where all that is returns and goes forth. It is where the River of Heaven springs and flows.

Through the radiating expression of energy love streams forth in creative intelligence, shining forth into existence, pulsations of Light energy shine forth into the infinite expanse of the macrocosm. Forwards and backwards, in an elliptic, spiral, fractal/holographic, universal stream within the spiritual ocean and inside the quantum soup, reality magically appears and mysteriously disappears in the breathtaking cosmos. All is compressed and condensed into the last desire and surrendered into nothingness to be expressed again in creation. The end is the beginning, the Omega and the Alpha.

From the single point within a star, a planet, a human, a heart beats harmonic vibrations attracting and connecting other centers to consolidate atomic, chemical, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual unitary and vibratory inclusion. Waves, particles, atoms, molecules, compounds are quanta of energy in vibration, which are thought forms, which are focused probabilities, which are creative intentions, which are sacred universal forms, which are pulsations of time waves, which are creations of the Divine Mind and agreements of Higher Intelligence.

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