Kids Cover Metallica In Shopping Center

6 years ago

This is busking done right! How often do you see young people covering awesome bands such as Metallica around? Well, brace yourselves for a brilliant cover of the world-famous band in this short video!

Guy managed to film these boys as they were busking in Bourke St. Mall, Melbourne. Once he uploaded it on YouTube, it became viral in matter of days, and now we see why!

Here's a not so known info about the art of street performance: The term busking was first noted in the English language around the middle 1860s in Great Britain. The verb to busk, from the word busker, comes from the Spanish root word buscar, with the meaning "to seek". The Spanish word buscar in turn evolved from the Indo-European word *bhudh-skō ("to win, conquer"). It was used for many street acts, and title of a famous Spanish book about one of them, El buscón. Today, the word is still used in Spanish but mostly relegated for female street sex workers, or women seeking to be set up as private mistress of married men.

There are three basic forms of street performance:

"Circle shows" are shows that tend to gather a crowd around them. They usually have a distinct beginning and end. Usually these are done in conjunction with street theatre, puppeteering, magicians, comedians, acrobats, jugglers and sometimes musicians. Circle shows can be the most lucrative. Some time the crowds attracted can be huge. A good busker will control the crowd so the patrons do not obstruct foot traffic.

"Walk-by acts" are typically where the busker performs a musical, living statue or other act that does not have a distinct beginning or end and the public usually watch for a brief time. A walk by act may turn into a circle show if the act is unusual or very popular.

"Stoplight performers" present their act on a crosswalk while the traffic lights are red. Then, while still red, they walk by the cars to get contributions from drivers or passengers. A variety of disciplines can be used in such format (juggling, break dancing, even magic tricks). Because of the short period of time available to them, stoplight performers must have a very brief, condensed routine. This form is seen more commonly in Central and South America then elsewhere.

Occurred on August 20, 2017 / Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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