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  • 0/2000
  • If you bench more than you can handle, with "free weights" WITHOUT a spotter, you deserve what you get. Better to use lighter weight, more reps. Wait till you have a spotter, or a safety device before going full retard.

  • Wanted to share this here. ✝️ This is a short little devotional I try to listen to every morning. From the pen of Charles H Spurgeon. (I can’t remember if you mentioned him or GK Chesterton recently…but I would imagine if you know of GK, then you also know of Spurgeon) Anyway, in this devotional, he mentions how the Christian man cannot help but talk about Jesus. You mentioned a few weekends ago how all you want to do is talk about Jesus. This reminded me of that. In fact, now that I think about it, I think I already recently expressed this to you in a comment that I’m the same way. It’s a bummer to me when people are turned off by talk of Jesus. The bummerness is two-fold: Bummed for them that they’re rejecting Christ… and bummed that I can’t share my passion for Him with them. I’ll close with this: I wanna recommend “Mere Christianity” by CS Lewis to anyone wanting to grow as a Christian. The audiobook version is on the YouTube’s. I had it on audible dot com… and that’s the same version. (Just lower quality audio, but the narration is professional) God Bless ya, brother! ✝️🇺🇸

  • http://www.tinysa.com/sermon/popme1024M