
1 year ago

Aid organizations for Israel:
Equivalent to the Red Cross of Israel:
Emergency Medical Responders:
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews:

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On October 7th 2023, armed Hamas fighters crossed the border between #gaza and #israel and proceeded to attack Israeli military installations along with civilians including women and children. The #hamasattack saw hundreds of civilians in Israel killed with even more injured or captured. Much has happened and it still happening on the ground in Israel and Gaza, with the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) launching counter attacks and now conducting strikes in Gaza. The conflict has sparked yet another wave of debate between pro-Israel and pro #palestine debates, but the facts are the facts in many cases. The facts are that Hamas has attacked, abducted and killed innocent civilians. As a podcast, we stand with Israel and their right to exist and defend themselves. But tonight we have a simple conversation between two non-experts about what is happening in Israel.

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