Hamas Calls For A 'Day Of Jihad'-NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 13 2023

11 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the ‘Day of Jihad’ is being eagerly awaited here in America by Democrats, Liberals, and students on college campuses all across the country if the events of this past week are any indicator. It has been truly shocking to watch the outpouring of support for Hamas terrorists who rape teenagers, kill babies, kidnap senior citizens, while lining up Jews against the wall and mowing them down with machine gun fire. Remember that series we did on spiritual warfare where we talked about the spirit of Antichrist? No better manifestation of that than simply watching Hamas operate. They are the Devil incarnate. On this episode, we show you the events as they will be unfolding on this ‘Day Of Jihad’, and how things just might wind up in a WWIII in the Middle East.

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