Before destroying everyone because of bibles of men, consider the 2nd coming of the Bible from God!

8 months ago

Before all the religions of men destroy each other for the same reason they murdered Christ 2,000 years ago - Gnosticism. We do not know the Lord God Almighty, so we obey the preaching of men rather than God. Satan, the man of sin, the second horseman of the apocalypse, steals our peace and sanity Rev. 6:4. As the antichrist, he convinces us the ways of men are as good, if not better than the ways of God. The Lord stepped back, hiding the ways of God Isa. 43; 55:8ff; 64, etc. for 1680 years, so Satan, the antichrist, could rule over the kingdoms of men, by pretending to be God and teaching that "Elohim" is singular in number. His lies convince us that Christ does not have all authority. Before His conversion before the first age of the one true faith, Saul like many of us today, believed Satan, kicking against the pricks, denying Christ's authority, in all good conscience.

The Greek words for the religions of men are heresies and gnosticism. Gnosticism is men thinking God is too small and men too big. Gnosticism is the denial of God's power and a denial of the limitations of the subjective truth and pseudo-science of men Jer. 10:23. We had to be in apostasy away from the one true faith for the past 1680 years because otherwise, we wouldn't be ignorant enough to stand against God 1 Cor. 2:6-16. We were in the spiritual dark ages. The Lord gave us a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11. we couldn't distinguish between the ways of God and the ways of men until the second coming of the ways of God, in the last days or end times of Gnosticism Eph. 2:7; Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21;
Every word of the Bible from God, completed in 70 AD Judas 3 and now being restored Rev. 5:1ff, is about how men must patiently suffer through the apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3 of Gnosticism, until the first and now the second age of the one true faith Job; James 5:7-11. This is all foreshadowed by the Babylon apostasy and the building of the second physical temple in Jerusalem in 531 BC.
If, the Lord has granted you the ability to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of peace Matt. 13:11, and you want to be saved and help others find salvation from this perverse generation Acts 2:40, then help us take the gospel of the kingdom of peace to the world in this second age of the Limited Comission. You can do that by distributing copies of the Sword of the Spirit, or paying $5 a month
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The ways of men do not work, and we will have to continue to be gnostics until we overcome it in 43 years cf. Rev. 2, 3. Christ has all authority and will grant unto us all spiritual blessings in 43 years John 12:30-32.
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