Value For Value

11 months ago

We as believing entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and creativepreneurs are uniquely positioned to impact the business and government and sectors (mountains) of our culture. We’re carrying our own banners rather than helping others carry theirs. We can do this directly and personally through our work, investing the resources and wisdom the Lord gives us, following the strategies and tactics Holy Spirit shows us, and winsomely win territory.

In this presentation I focus on the fact that churches in general don’t equip their entrepreneurial members to prosper and influence their marketplaces. With goals of church growth and bringing non-believers into churches, I believe we've missed the mark. Jesus told us to go... As freelancers and business owners where we go is into the marketplace, and we can influence our clients and customers with the gospel.

My hope is that my fellow entrepreneurs, creatives, and freelancers will benefit from a practical approach to sharing truth through their businesses.

I invite you to join my email list to receive articles, resources, and opportunities to build and connect with fellow entrepreneurs intent on influencing through their brands and businesses. Join at

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