Nurses DEMANDING Better Security at Virginia Mason Hospital

7 months ago

Virginia Mason nurses are taking to the streets, and not for a morning jog. They're demanding better security measures in the hospital where, apparently, "anyone from the street can just walk in." That's right; we're talking about a medical facility with less security than a rock concert or a Broadway show. Nurses are not just advocating for themselves but are concerned about patient care, especially when staffing levels drop alarmingly low at times. It's not as though they're asking for Fort Knox; simple measures like metal detectors could go a long way. If entertainment venues can protect their patrons from potential harm with basic security protocols, then shouldn't a place that literally saves lives do the same?

Michael Salter and Kimberly Travis Carter, among other healthcare providers, insist that patient care takes a hit when certain wings of the hospital operate short-handed. This isn't a game; it's about the well-being of people who come in seeking medical aid. Now, if only the administrators would take off their rose-colored glasses and realize that better conditions aren't a luxury but a necessity.

#NursesSpeakUp #HealthcareSecurity #VirginiaMasonHospital

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