Amazon Stealing Your Product Data, Google Trying to Compete for Sellers - Amazon Seller News

4 years ago

Are you sick of coronavirus headlines and dying to cut through the clutter and straight to content that's relevant to your business and your wallet? Look no further. In this episode of Amazon Seller School, we're breaking down the top Amazon stories of the week to keep you informed and ahead of the e-commerce tide.

Headlines In This Episode:

-Amazon has been frustrating during the pandemic, but Prime is more popular than ever
-Not Every Retailer Is Seeing An E-Commerce Boost From Coronavirus, With Amazon Among The Few Winners
-Amazon employees shared an event invite to discuss how the company treats its workers. Then it disappeared.
-Amazon reportedly used third-party seller data to research and launch its own products
-Google drops charges on shopping service to counter Amazon's surging ad sales
-US blacklists five Amazon foreign websites
-Amazon testing live video calls to vet third-party sellers

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