Fact or Fiction? Meet Peter Bolten

10 months ago

Peter Bolten was introduced to me through mutual friends. Peter found his way to Pensacola in 2021 during COVID. Peter’s novel looks deeply at the Washington D.C. ‘two-step’. He does a deep dive into terrorist activities in the USA and the political instability in Washington. Peter shares fictional stories from various agencies of government that may touch you deeply. His ‘deep dive’ into Deep State activities is his inspiration for the intriguing fictional stories he’s crafted. His book is entitled Deo et Patriae (God & Country). The true stories in this nation have been fictionalized by Peter. However, one can see an interesting correlation. Peter is looking for a publisher to bring this to market.

Originally Recorded on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 10:00 am CST
Season 2, Episode 219

Learn More at: GeneValentino.com
Image(s) Courtesy of: Gene Valentino

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