The Meruem of The Bible

1 year ago

Kushan Rishathayim, King of Aram Naharayim is a mouthful! This name translates to something like “Kushan Double-Trouble, King of Aram of the Double-Rivers”. When you look up all the places in the Bible where Aram of the Double-Rivers or “Aram Naharayim” occurs. You will find 3 stories associated with it. First, a story with Rachel and Laban, then a story associated with Balaam the sorcerer, and lastly a story associated with king Snake. All 3 of these characters (Laban, Balaam, and Snake) are deceptive and try to trick and lead Gods people astray somehow. So this king with a mouthful of a name is like an amalgam of all the deceptive enemies of Gods people in the Bible. He’s kind of like Meruem king of the Chimera ants from Hunter x Hunter.

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