(Ch. 10:1-5) Romans in Context

8 months ago

In this teaching, we see Paul's passion for all his fellow countrymen to be saved. He explains why they missed messiah Yeshua.

Keys of the Kingdom on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/keyskingdom1619

Tony Pino's teaching on a theology called "The Golden Chain of Redemption." https://youtu.be/_enUzHgoGco?si=BkEXgcul7lmBHd2u

Are the Ten Tribes of Israel Lost? https://youtu.be/N7P2mQjj2mY

Did YaHweh Divorce Israel (Part 1) https://youtu.be/SPWYVX9qXnU

Did YaHweh divorce Israel (Part 2) https://youtu.be/KODFrdp9at8 J

K McKee and his article "Works of Law" https://messianicapologetics.blog/faqs/W_Works_of_the_Law.pdf

Rob Vanhoff on the term "works of law" (Part 1) https://youtu.be/HBTlxNZSK6U

Rob Vanhoff on the term "works of law" (part 2) https://youtu.be/Vt2dgtVjFYU #romans9

#romans10 #replacementtheology #suppersessionism #yeshua #jesus #christ #messiah # faith #faithfullness #works #worksoflaw #traditionsofmen #traditions #ethnicity #covenant #siani #sianocovenant #torah #newcovenant #britchadashah #circumcision #flesh

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