Prophetic Word on Finances - You Are The Bank!

8 months ago

Apostle John Eckhardt releases a timely prophetic word for October 2023 on finances and prosperity. Believe you are the bank and decree financial increase, quantum favor, and abundance!

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Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the LORD makes one rich." God can bless you and make you rich. First Samuel 2:7 says, "The LORD makes poor and makes rich; he brings low and lifts up."

God is able to bring people down, make them poor, and lift people up to make them rich. This is one of the works of God on the earth - the Lord makes poor and makes rich.

Of course, Proverbs says that it is by humility and the fear of the Lord that riches, honor and life come. So humility and the fear of the Lord can put you in a position for God to lift you up and make you rich.

The scripture says God gives grace to the humble. God is able to raise up the humble from a low place. He is able to take people from the dunghill and allow them to sit among princes. This is the work of God on the earth.

If you are not a bank, God can make you one. He can make you a banker - His banker in the earth. A key is humility and the fear of the Lord.

Humble yourself under God's mighty hand and He will lift you up. One of the ways God lifts people up is through wealth and promotion. You don't have to stay poor or broke. God can promote you.

God made Solomon rich. He gave him wisdom and made him rich. God elevated Solomon because of his humble request for wisdom. Solomon said "God, I am young and don't know how to lead these people." God was pleased with Solomon's humility and request for wisdom. Not only did God give him wisdom, but also riches and honor.

God can do the same for you. You don't have to stay in a low place. God can and will promote you. Promotion does not come from the south, east or west, but from God. He is the judge who puts down one and lifts up another. This is God's sovereign rule and authority. He rules in the affairs of men and can make you rich. God can make you the bank!

No matter your financial situation now, God can shift things for you. If you're struggling financially, I want to encourage you - most people have had financial challenges. I'm here to release God's word to you. God put the word in my spirit that "You Are The Bank!"

The Bible says to believe the prophets and you will prosper. One prophetic word can turn your life around. God's word is like a hammer that breaks rocks to pieces. He sent His word and healed and delivered them from destruction. The destruction of the poor is their poverty. But God sends His word to heal and deliver from that destruction. You don't have to be destroyed financially.

God can send one word - "You're the bank!" Grab that word, begin to speak it. I know it sounds foolish to some, but God chooses the foolish things of the world to confirm the mighty. What God does often looks foolish to men, but the foolishness of God is greater than man's wisdom.

God chose the foolishness of preaching to save the lost. He operates through principles that appear foolish to the natural, carnal mind. The natural mind does not receive the things of the Spirit of God - it must be received by faith.

So believe you are the bank. Confess it, say it daily: "I am the bank, we are the bank!" Your church, business, family can be the bank. You can be the bank - you'll lend and not borrow. That's what banks do - they lend.

Psalms 112:3 says, "Wealth and riches shall be in his house, who fears the Lord." Verse 5 says the righteous man who fears God is gracious, full of compassion, and lends to others. His righteousness endures forever.

I've written a book called "The Psalm 112 Blessing" - it's a verse-by-verse study on this amazing Psalm. I encourage you to get a copy and meditate on Psalm 112. It blessed me so much.

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.

Thank you for your giving and support of our ministry. Anytime during this broadcast, you can give and partner with us.

Let's believe for quantum giving resulting in quantum harvest. You can be a quantum bank! Decree, "I am a quantum bank. I have quantum increase and quantum finances."

The Lord gave me the word "quantum." I spoke it, released it. We live by every word that proceeds from God's mouth. What is God saying today? God is always speaking, the problem is man is not listening.

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