
8 months ago

Dr. McCullough calls for three immediate actions! 1⃣️. Take all COVID-19 vaccines off the market before others are harmed. 2⃣️. The United States, the European Union, and all Western countries [need to] withdraw from the World Health Organization; they are unworthy of trust. 3⃣️. I recommend stopping all childhood vaccines and the entire vaccination program until this is clarified!

麦卡洛博士呼吁立即采取三项行动!1⃣️其他人受到伤害之前,将所有 COVID-19 疫苗撤出市场。2⃣️美国、欧盟和所有西方国家[需要]退出世界卫生组织,他们不值得信任。3⃣️我建议停止所有儿童疫苗和整个疫苗接种计划,直到这一点得到澄清!

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