The Timeline: The Hamblin Case 1969 to the Eighties

1 year ago

I wasn’t happy with my existing document on the Hamblin case’s timeline, so I went back to the beginning, and then went past the beginning. I utilized to track the Hamblin and Anderson families over the years, and settled on 1969 as a good starting point for a presentation. Since I strive to give my readers an insight into the sauce, and to show how I’m drawing my conclusions, I decided to post the presentation.

I use Keynote on Mac because I favor monochrome presentations that are clean, but I’ll also use earth tones comparable to the presentation I did on Jason Preston’s We Are the People show. From an aesthetic standpoint, I don’t want the design to overpower the facts.

This is how the New York and Missouri Connection article was first conceived, and I’m throwing in a Dropbox link as well for people to see the newspaper articles that I used to to build that article. This will also be one of the foundational documents for an upcoming podcast appearance next week, which should drop on next Sunday. The other documents will deal with the origins of the CS, and historical context, as well as the network of the CS. As always, I’m willing to go on podcasts and talk about the Hamblin case, so if you’ve got a podcast and you want to delve into this topic, I strive to be available. I appreciate any opportunity to turn the heat up on David Lee Hamblin and his accomplices.

On October 18th, David Lee Hamblin has a court hearing in Manti before Judge Larsen, and I’ll be covering that.

Content priorities are exploring more of the Missouri and New York CS crowd, using familial connections and real estate records to unmask potential CS members in those areas. The Missouri crowd will be a focus for an upcoming article because I have a lot to work with there. Your donations are going to make it easier for me to crack the New York crowd, because New York property records searches are expensive. Westchester County is $20 a day, and I won’t spring for that until I have my ducks in a row to get as much bang for the buck as possible.

Additionally, I had a huge day yesterday with sources, and Sunday also yielded a potential major breakthrough source with a lot of knowledge. I’ll be writing up articles on those breakthroughs as I corroborate material and interviews.

While I’d like to leave Tim Ballard in the rearview mirror, the reality is that he hails from a location in California with deep relevance to Utah CS, and the statements attached to the first lawsuit against him reveal a man who requires much deeper exploration. We’ll see where that exploration leads.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and donating. You’re helping me focus on this full time without worrying about whether or not I’ll be able to eat and pay bills. I like eating and paying bills, so thank you. If you just want to go to the PDF of this presentation and look at it as opposed to watching it in video form, the Dropbox link is here.
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