most dunno what a polemic is

9 months ago

i dunno how i do this, i wanna puke thinkin bout it
God chose me to be spit on by society for having this information
if i were truly a pussy i wouldn't be goin thru it at all
it doesn't make shit any easier tho
i don't feel superior to anyone no matter how arrogant i sound
i'm a wee bit jealous of other people but they probably feel the same way about me
why get mad cos people are on a different path than you
rigorously is the right word!
most of the time this gift is total shit but it's supposed to be since it's a polemic
evil things are allowed to exist cos most are too lazy to give a shit
at least i have God to turn to
i beg God to save just one child from the horror show that's fixin to come
pedo rings have always existed i know
there aren't enough donald trumps in the world
it's a lovely thought thinkin that everything's gonna get all cleared up
this narrative is a little too good to be true
they all want a fairytale that they can pretend will happen eventually
i gave up on that shit a long time ago
you're always alone no matter what
truth vs. propaganda + systems
the longer i've lived the more i'm convinced that i dunno much of anything
people can't admit that they're wrong
you have no idea where someone's comin from before you shoot em down
self-awareness, guilt n shame haven't been a thing for awhile
God exists!
salvation is the only thing that gets me thru the day
and then i remember i can read the Scripture!
schizos have an LSD kinda Bible-reading experience
so much negativity that consumes me
comparing n contrasting is a tendancy that we have acquired thru living in this shit world
it is luke 7:47!
buffet of crap vs. measly-ass dinner roll
the only hope that i have is in God
that's my friend ronnit actually
it sounds like a phone from the eighties

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