Counterintuitively infrared saunas can both energize and relax at the same time

7 months ago

Grace tried the relax sauna the day before and was back to use the sauna again. "I am usually very keyed up, in a high stress state. After exiting the sauna I noticed I had more energy, I felt like everything kind of calmed down and was regulated. Then after lunch I felt like I could go into rest and digest a lot easier and it was amazing to see that change.
So you liked it?
Yes, I enjoyed it. That's why I'm back again!
Did it feel like a hug from Grandma?
Yes it felt like that at first but then I more so felt the "basking in divine light". I thought that is a perfect analogy for it.
Did you sleep well last night?
Yes I slept well.
Better than you normally do?
Yeah. It was great.

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