Once Again The MEdia IS The Virus !

8 months ago

CNN,FOX,MSNBC Are Just The Beginning. All Except For Two Alternative Medias, Patriot Media, Great Awakening Media, Whatever You Wanna Call Them, Are All On The Support Israel Genocide War That Leads To Iran, Of Which We Will Never Make It To, Because Our Number Is Already Up. China & Russia Got Big Plans For You & Your Depleted Military, Seriously Folks. America First !!! Get Prepared, Tomorrows Day Of Jihad, Is Just The Appetizer. Only Stew & Jones So Far Are Calling This Out As It Is. ( Not So Much Jones Lackey's Though. They Constantly Contradict Their Own Dialogue Every Other Sentence and Are To Duntz To Even Notice It. ) jus sayin'. Anyways and Eitherway, i Can't Believe So Many People Still Haven't Learned Their Lesson About The Media and Administration's Lies Stacked Upon Lies. You Better Get Ready Folks, There Is No Saving This Sinking Ship. Click the full screen view in your rumble player, and Then Go Visit https://fearnotexperience.com

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