Happening Now: World War III

1 year ago

Happening Now: World War III
Speaker: Vince Skidmore
BIBLE: Luke 21:28, Psalm 122:6, Gen 12:3, Matthew 24:32-35, Isaiah 66:8, Zechariah 12:2-3, 12:8-9, Joshua 11:20

DATE: 10-11-23

Dear friends, let us remember that in the face of global tensions and the potential for World War, our trust and hope remain in the Lord. While we may observe the signs of the times, our faith remains firmly anchored in the promises of God.
We must pray for peace, pray for the welfare of Jerusalem, and pray for God's guidance in these troubled times. Ultimately, we should find comfort in the knowledge that our redemption is drawing near, and our Lord is in control.
May we continue to live as vigilant and prayerful Christians, trusting in the sovereignty of God and eagerly awaiting the return of our Savior.

In Christ,
Pastor Stacey Carver

Harvest Time International Church

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