UK Column News - Segments1, Wed 11th October 2023. 53 minutes.

8 months ago

Israel-Hamas War Long Segment: The Problem Is That Good People Have Trouble Imagining Evil - UK Column News - 11th October 2023.
Full Edition of this UK Column News is also available here -

- Al Jazeera: Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot
- AFP (YouTube): Anti-rocket sirens sound in Jerusalem
- Daily Telegraph: Watch: Hamas drones bomb observation towers in multi-pronged attack 
- The Guardian: ‘Murdered in cold blood’: stories emerge of Israelis killed at Gaza border
- The Times of Israel: ‘At least 40 babies killed’: Foreign reporters taken to massacre site in Kfar Aza
- i24 News: 'It smells of death here': Surveying the atrocities committed by Hamas in Kfar Aza
- The New York Times: Nowhere to Hide in Gaza as Israeli Onslaught Continues
- Euronews: Israel has right to self-defence, but some actions 'counter international law'—Borrell 
- NDTV: "They Started It, We Will Finish It": Israeli PM's Big Warning For Hamas
- United Nations: 43rd Meeting—54th Regular Session of Human Rights Council
- GB News: 'Sickening' BBC blasted for 'cold and callous' row with Palestinian ambassador hours after death of family
- The Scottish Government: Israel-Gaza conflict: First Minister letter to UK Government
- GOV.UK: Letter to Chief Constables in England and Wales following the Israel-Hamas conflict (accessible) 
“As you know, Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK in its entirety. It is therefore a criminal offence for a person in the UK to … [including mention of slogans and symbols]”
- CBS News (YouTube): U.S. aircraft carrier is show of support for Israel in war against Hamas 
- BBC (Media Action): A lifeline for Gaza
- Bloomberg Television (YouTube): Israel’s Defense Minister—we are fighting “human animals”
- Consortium News: Scott Ritter: Israel's Massive Intelligence Failure
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