8 months ago

AH YES NUMBER 3 Part of the Bigger Equasion........7x3=21=2+1=3, 4x3=12, 1+2=3, 3x1=3. Seven Months Thirty one Days. Four Months of THirty Days and The SIngle Twenty Eight Days.. 28 Man... 28+24 =52 Earth 24 hours day 28 day Moon Cycle...... 13+13+13=39 ANGEL. 31+31+31=93 Sarturn. 13+31+13=57 HINZ MOON Reverse Mars 51...... 31+13+31= 75 Electric.... 57 75 x 13 Moons= 75075 Moons.... 12+12/33 1440 Minutes Day 7x5=35+12=47 Time 74 Energy 74 Jesus... 77 CHR15T...
NUMBER 42...... 21 63 84.. Why 42........If you Have One Dice Cube 1 opposite Seven
1......3.5 .......6 M 1000 or 4 5 6 the FED
2......3.5... ... 5
3......3.5........4 ABC=6 ABCD=10/1 BCD=9 33 Rot"8
Two Cubes Reverse
1+2 =3 Reverse
6+5 =11 The Void Space
7+7 = 14 1/8, 2/7, 3/6 , 4/5, 5/4 void6/3
4+5 = 9 Void 5+4=9 Total 22
3+2 =5 Void 6+7=13
4+2 =6 Void 5+7=12
3+5 =8 Void 6+4=10
2x4=8, 2+4=6... The Reverse Cube of Six is Eight. The Dividing Seventh Gate Using Dice Cube ... the Odds Place Six Win Seven Plus the Six Earth 7 Mars 6. B OY ComPlete at 13/99 To Be Completed Just ask
Is the planet a dome? It is a reincarnation, mathematics, Alphabet, numbers arewritten out, Spelled out. Numbers is language, English and French , or any other Language. Whatever is imaginable, are all explainable it is a skeleton of creation. 81 is different from all numbers ending in one......... Remember that 80 is written as 4 * 20...... 420. 420 or 4 * 2 is equal to 8. 4 + 2 equals 6. 68 equals the word house half the house is 34 or 43 which is hot and cold 34 together 77 power and 77 Christ an alignmnet WITH the Letter C.B.D.. T.H.C Time Heaven Creation BCD 432 Hz 9 What's New ...ABCD=10/1 ABC=6 or 60 Minute Because 1=10% is one of Ten and more. ABC=6, BCD=9 .... The Brothers Mas SOn...33 3x3=9, 3+3=6 The Rotation of Birth and The Light TOUCHDOWN 6 extra point or It Folded into the Earth..... 7th Day from Rest ?? IS Destination or Estimate... Speaks a Skeleton Language. Everything we see without form. Mathematics and writing equations can give it shape... We can find the equations inside the games sports hockey baseball football football we can find them in blackjack and roulette in the game of craps we can find them on the pool table we can find them in the dart board we can find them in any game Monopoly the card game everything has rules and regulations clues to tell us the story of creation by giving to everything a form and a secondary reality from the skeleton that it is

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