If you were born in the last 25 years you’ve lived in a state of continual war - Bolden -DailyReview

11 months ago

The Daily Review is a collection of interesting clips from several of the trusted sources of the Freedom News & Education Network (FNEN).

Today’s Show:

(0:00:13) Ron Paul House Floor Speech on Israel Gaza and Hamas 2011 https://youtu.be/27esxkQtfTc?feature=shared
(0:01:55) Antiwar News https://youtu.be/2XMQ64Sijyk?feature=shared
(0:07:25) Trends in the News https://rumble.com/v3ofbqs-middle-east-meltdown-when-all-else-fails-they-take-you-to-war.html
(0:13:16) Run Your Mouth https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/run-your-mouth/id1549622417?i=1000630721099
(0:19:14) Judging Freedom https://www.youtube.com/live/Xs7cQQ5vnf4?feature=shared
(0:24:30) 10th Amendment Center https://www.youtube.com/live/zFdUv4auavY?feature=shared
(0:30:29) Liberty Report https://rumble.com/v3ok6lp-israel-gaza-and-wwiii-vibes-with-guest-anya-parampil.html

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