This Community Cross Walk Guard Is A Dog

7 years ago

Making sure your kids make it to school safely is the most important. That being said, we have an interesting situation here - cute pooch is helping kids cross the road safely, and our hearts are melting with joy! This community cross walk guard is having a great day, all because this fluffball is giving him a hand while doing his job. And you have to admit, not only this is a brilliant idea, but it also brings a smile to all the kids' faces! Imagine you're sending your kid to school, and you don't have to worry about them crossing the street with this little helper on the field!

After watching this video, not only we're overwhelmed with joy, but we really think someone should consider the idea of having more pups out there on the streets helping cross walk guards. It would be so much fun, don't you think?

Who could you trust in more than a cute dog to safely walk your kids across the street? We should try replacing every cross walker guard with a dog because this is the most adorable way to safely make it across the street.

What do you think about this? How did you use to cross the street when you were at school? Share your most entertaining memories in the comment section below!

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