Can Kidney Patients use Amla?| Amla Juice |

8 months ago

Amla for Diabetes Patients | Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment | Kidney Diet Food | Phyllanthus emblica | emblic | Kidney Detox Juice | Benefits of Amla

Amla is a medicinal fruit that is being used in curing several health ailments for ages. It is rich in Vitamin C and a good source of anti-oxidant properties. Regular consumption of Amla can help in keeping the immune system healthy. For kidney patients, Amla is a miraculous fruit that aids in different processes. Amla is used in the form of medicine to build, revive, and sustain the body and organs of a kidney patient. The high content of nutrients in Amla improves the condition of hair, nails, teeth, and skin. This fruit is also known for its positive effects on the nervous, digestive, kidney, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems as it helps in –

• Regulating high blood sugar level
• Assisting in the formation of insulin
• Blood purification
• Detoxification of various organs
• Heart Friendly

We at Karma Ayurveda always try to inform you about the significance of proper diet in kidney disease. Through our videos, we inform you that what is beneficial for a kidney patient and what is not. Though, we highly recommend you consult your doctor before including or omitting from your renal diet.

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