The Real War

1 year ago

The real war is on all things sacred: humanity, earth and the Creator.

This latest war is another distraction meant to keep you in fear and survival mode.

Yes, humans are really dying and it’s fucked up that psychopathic “leaders” are doing this.

And the sledgehammer of truth is they aren’t doing it on their own.

Every human is making their own sovereign choice to perpetuate war or not.

There’s no more blame shifting and claiming someone else made me do it.

You make your choices and you are responsible for the consequences.

Be part of ending the war, or perpetuating it, it’s your choice.

#Sovereign #NewEarth #Responsibility #ResponseAbility #Accountability #Accountable #InnerWork #ShadowWork #AsAboveSoBelow #GrownAssAdult #SpiritualAdult #SpiritualMaturity #Metamorphosis #TheRealWar #WarOnConsciousness

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