"A SMALL FORTUNE" (2021) Directed by Adam Perry #canada #independentfilm

11 months ago

Set on the Canadian coast of Prince Edward Island or, as we are integrated into a rural, rocky, grey wintery non-tourist stretch of a remote Canadian coastal village named “Skinners Pond”, we meet a bedraggled and somewhat down on his luck farmer dredging the local coast for “Moss” to sustain a low, subsistence level of living for himself and his heavily pregnant wife. He finds a bagful of cash and rather than his lucky find being the ticket away from home, the vaunted “Out West” and a life of fortune, prosperity and no immediate financial worries, he instead becomes embroiled in the unnecessary, but empty plot necessities that set up a spiral into paranoiac hallucinations and a bloody, visceral murdering rampage.

Why doesn’t he just take the money and run?

For there would be no film, obviously, but when a dead body and the bloodied wreckage of a boat soon washes ashore after the bag of money, I couldn’t help but question why “Kevin Doucette (Stephen Oates) felt compelled to do what he does with the dead body and the boat. Why does he go to such extremes as to cover up his non-existent involvement in a series of crimes that have started, or perhaps ended, with the washing ashore of a bagful of money? He has zero connection whatsoever to events leading up to his lucky discovery, so why does he do what he does? Without these actions, there would be no film, but frankly, there’s not an interesting, endearing or intriguing film here anyway.

The above two paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "A Small Fortune" I originally penned and published to my Medium blog site and which can be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site linked immediately below:


This review also forms part of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.49 per volume) or all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:



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